Monday, January 30, 2012

The Staff and the Silver Cloak

One step,
Right foot in.
The large white room
Commands the din.

Turns to

Diminishes to

The Centre
Gives way to
The Flame
And in succession
The Corners too

Feathers take flight
Settling upon
A Silver Cloak
Whole one moment
A heap the next.

From the Flame
A Staff
With emeralds
And studded
With sage.

A second step in
The wind wisps
Through his hair
Then all is still.

The Cloak
And the Staff
The young one.

With the third step,
He turns around
Wielding the Staff
Draped in the Cloak
His eyes reflecting
His being emanating
Warmth and newness.

The last step
Grounds his Will
A breathe of relief
Overcomes him
As the Walls'
Sage pores
Reminds him
Of Home.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

by the strength of His hand

the barren wasteland
Remained untouched
the mystery retained
as the silence resonated
the one
lead through this dry land
only by the strength of His hand

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Once Lost

The depths of the ocean
Each grain of sand
Each soul in each living being
Raced in anticipation.

Will the murky waters aside steer?
Would they gleam clear?
Will the sunlight penetrate the ocean floor?
Would their voices float through once more?
And bring home joy anew?

The questions unending,
The chords a-bending,
Yet a shimmer of hope
Found in a lost conch
Preserving that which was once lost.

The Teardrop of the Amethyst Hare

Stealthily through the night
He moved,
This creature out of sight.
Slithering across the threshold
Of an unchartered ruin.

A whiff of cool air,
Tempered with the kiss
Of Lady Lune
His bodily warmth 
Was compelled by 
The nearing charm
Of a swamp.

Gazing up
Beyond the peaks and valleys,
He viewed a resemblance uncanny.
For the symbol of Yin and Yang
Was replaced
By that of the stars and dunes.

With a raised brow
And a curious look,
He jotted down the scene
In his porous book.
The varying dimensions 
Of the memory
Could possibly decipher
All that it could mean.

A witness and part 
He must bear
To stop this dance
To the Other's tune.
Alas! to claim victory
He must tear
The Teardrop of the Amethyst Hare
Away from the Other's lair.

The bloodlust overwhelms him
It is freedom
That he craves,
From this jungle
Dark and deep.
To be among his own
Who often
Gently weep.

Crumbling Walls

Centred around your blaze
There's nothing that will amaze.
Crumbling walls stay the same
Winding through this haze.

Runaway if you must,
But stand your ground
And your wounds will bring you around.

Tears glisten
As the violins make you listen.
That starlight from yonder shore
Will break the hold of these evil spores.

Tremble no more,
Children of the weary folk.
These eyes of precious stone
Never will leave you alone.

Cave! Cave! As the Earth once told,
Worthy, you are not of this ode.
For the spirit once sold,
Will forego bliss untold.